Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Astronomical Calender for August 2010

August 1: A Waning Gibbous Moon stands 11 degrees N-NE of Jupiter after midnight.Mars and Saturn are nearly 2 degrees apart in West just after sunset.
August 3: Last Quarter Moon.
August 5: The Moon (32% illuminated) stands within 4 degrees from Pleiades (M45) in east before dawn.Venus-Saturn-Mars forms a perfect triangle in West at the time of dusk. The triangle will barely fit within standard 10×50 binoculars.
August 7: Mercury Greatest Eastern Elongation.
August 8: Venus and Saturn within 3 degrees apart after sunset in West.
August 10: New Moon.
August 12-13: The Perseids Meteor Shower will peak in a “moon-free” night!
August 13: Accumulation of a very thin Crescent Moon joining a beautiful trio of Venus, Saturn and Mars in the West after sunset.

Don’t miss to watch beautiful accumulation of a very thin Crescent Moon joining a beautiful trio of Venus, Saturn and Mars in the West after sunset.
August 14: A Waxing Crescent Moon is within 4 degrees from Spica at dusk in the West.
August 16: First Quarter Moon.
August 17: The Moon is within 5 degrees West of Antares at the time of dusk.
August 18: Venus and Mars are about 2 degrees apart and Venus’ Greatest Eastern Elongation.
August 20: Neptune is at opposition, Mag. 7.8 in the constellation Capricornus.
August 24: Full Moon.
August 26: The Moon is around 8.5 degrees from Jupiter.
August 31: Venus is nearly 1 degree W-SW of Spica at 8:00pm in West.


MERCURY: Mercury is very low in the West during this month. The inner-most planet will be at greatest elongation on 7th August.
VENUS: Venus will remain in group with Saturn and Mars through out the month. The brightest planet will provide beautiful show with Mars and Saturn in the Western evening sky after sunset. Venus is at greatest elongation on 18th August. Venus will pass very close from Saturn on 8th August and will pass very close from Mars on 19th. On August 31st, the planet will be just 1 degree from Spica.
SATURN & MARS: Both planets will remain in group with Venus throughout the month. On August 1st, both will be placed within 2 degrees from each other. On August 13th a Crescent Moon will join them.
NEPTUNE: The planet will enter the constellation Capricornus on 14th August. This month is a good time to observe Neptune as it is near opposition on August 20th. The planet will show an angular disc of 2.4” and will shine at magnitude 7.8th.
JUPITER & URANUS: Both planets are in Pisces. Both will be nearly 3 degrees from each other and will get closer and closer during month.

This Month Sky Chart

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